Drinkers With a Writing Problem

Drinkers With a Writing Problem

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25 sites out of 69

Site ID "mikey_boyle_col" does not exist in this ring. The list below starts with a randomly chosen site.

Scifi Geeks
A strange blend of different scifi shows and the twisted workings of Claire and Lu
Novels, short stories and artwork from deep within the EterniVision company...
Paul Bristow's home page
A site dedicated to the fiction of writer Paul Bristow
The Real Folk Blues Poetry
poetry written from the soul to the beats of jazz and bebop...particularly cowboy bebop...
Angie Ross
A site dedicated to my love of writing. Includes excerpts from my novels, poetry, author info, etc.
The Sinking of Noah's Ark
a philosophical story of literary fiction rooted in science,religion,spirituality, evolution,history,and other literary,academic fields
Dragon Vine
Esoteric-adventure-fantasy world, vampire author --with art!
Human Torpedoes
Official Web site for dark fiction author Vince Darkangelo
David Gardiner's Home Page
Contains sci fi novel SIRAT, short stories, voice readings and general madness. Big site. Come early and bring a pack lunch.
Muse Me
An idealist's thoughts & dreams often reform - much will depend on whether the glass half full contains vodka or vino. (AKA, a little this & that)
Jamie Crothall.com
A site through which I struggle to make my writing known.
Papercut: the Bleeding Edge of Literature
A zany compilation of sadistic and dark work that would die if it ever took itself seriously.
SlicerDragon Chronicles
Tales of the Supreme Royal Guardian, SlicerDragon
Realm of the Nudemuse
Writings of the wee and beastly Nudemuse.
The Beer Drinkers Hall of Fame
The Best Beer Site on the Web
Scattered Thoughts and Wishful Thinking
Passionate Poetry about love, life and heartbreak, some of it written while extremely drunk.
Michael A Andaluz - the Mad Pinata
Homepage for Michael Andaluz, author of the ASCENT STAGE short story trilogy and upcoming novels in near-term Science Fiction
For Writers, By Writers
For Writers, By Writers is a group of experienced writers/readers. We offer respectful, in-depth critiques in a friendly, community atmosphere.
Dangerous Dreams Official Site
Home of Dangerous Dreams, Part 1 of the Elastic Society THeory
Sybaritic Press
Publishers of erotic fiction and poetry
^^Pegasus Pages of Encouragement & Love
A site intended to offer encouragement and love to all, while causing them to stop and realize how lucky they really are.
Vertigo Alley
Jesse Gordon/A.J. Thompson ramblings and writings.
Ben Slackenov's Jazz Poetry
Adult, contemporary poetry based on the adventures of Ben Slackenov and his friends along with the music that inspires them
BlueMoon Journal
Somewhat semi-daily (or more) blog of 30-something homemaker, author, wife, cat-harrasser
Amateur Authors
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